Category Archives: News

Best of the 2013 Toy Fair

Our editors scoured this year’s Toy Fair to find the most creative and innovative new playthings for kids—check out their favorites. Plus: the 15 top toy crazes of all time

Aha! Concepts The Un-Block

Blocks are the primo open-ended plaything, but we applaud the geniuses who thought these up. Ashwood blocks… with tracks so they connect. Think about it: Your kid can create everything from a truck to a robot to a castle. And when it’s time to clear the table for dinner, he just picks the whole thing up and brings it in his room. Ages 5+. $70 for large set

The Un-Block receives Link Fairy A+

Build outside of the box with The Un-Block!

It seems all children have an insatiable appetite to create and imagine that can only be cured through certain toys, such as building blocks. Unfortunately, those blocks aren’t made to grow with the imagination of the child as they transition from a kid into a pre-teen or even an adult. I know for myself, playing with my kiddo’s and their building blocks is fun, but I  find myself wishing there was an older or even adult version that would really challenge my mind! 

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Family Review Center-Seal of Approval

No more building a structure with blocks only to have it collapse on the table when it gets bumped. The Un-Block solves this problem by interconnecting pieces that stay in place even if you pick up the structure and move it. Using a connector between each block placed, they are solidly connected. Un-Blocks come in many package sizes, from 16-150 pieces. I like these. Un-Block and Good idea are synonymous!